Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In Some CircumstanCes.. You tend to be DEpRessed

Everyone gets the blues now and then, but when there is only little joy or pleasure after visiting with friends or after seeing a good movie, there may be a more serious problem. A depressed mood that stays around for a while, without letting up, can change the way a person thinks or feels. My brother (whom I called The Great Psychiatrist - He is, indeed. To be honest..) called this “clinical depression.”

I will be having another presentation this Friday. In 2 months, what can I produce? PhD PhD - permanent Head Damage haha.. I am taking this slowly: one at a time. As a result, as its getting nearer to the presentation day.. I get jitters.. To calm myself down, I had a 'conversation' with my alter-ego 'Argh don't worry lah bro, things will be over soon without you notice it, then we can have the time of our life, going for a vacation, they don't know what you will be talking about anyway, so I am sure there will be no single question from them, go to hell with them lol!!'. for a moment, I almost felt it was like another Smeagol-Gollum remake..

Hey, i better share with you these things ya, you may or may not know that you might have the so called clinical-depression. No harm to go through this list, manalah tau kan:

* a persistent sad, “empty” mood
* sleeping too little or too much
* reduced appetite and weight loss, or increased appetite and weight gain
* loss of interest or lack of pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex
* restlessness or irritability
* difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions
* fatigue or loss of energy
* feeling guilty, hopeless or worthless

Last but not least, for those who read this post, doakan leee aku lepas presentation tu dgn jayanya!!

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