Well, I simply love Perfume. Its not an obsession, but who can resist the smell that melts your heart away. To be honest, the smell of one's perfume can have a long lasting impression on me (only if it smells nice). I own a whole lot of perfumes, oooh ahhh:
- Dior: Higher Energy
- Polo: Double Black
- CK: Eternity
- Tommy Hilfiger: Tommy 10
- Paco Rabbane: Purple
- Diesel: Plus Plus
- Hugo Boss
- Davidoff: Coolwater
- Diesel: Green Masculine
- Polo: Blue
- CK: Be
- Armani: Blue Jeans
- Body Shops
My Perfume WishList:
- Dunhill: Desire
- DKNY: Be Delicious
- CK: In2U
The story of perfume.....
The history of perfume began in antiquity. The word perfume used today to describe scented mixtures, derives from the Latin "per fume", meaning through smoke. Perfumery, or the art of making perfumes, began in ancient Egypt but was developed and further refined by the RomansArabs.
Perfume reached its peak in England during the reigns of Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. All public places were scented during Queen Elizabeth's rule, since she could not tolerate bad smells. It was said that the sharpness of her nose was equal led only to the slyness of her tongue.
“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel”
hello. Ooooo hantu perfume.
Apa kata gi cari perfume CREED White. Kat KL payah nak cari.
Hmmmmmmmm....... Interesting post.
Among the Edt's that you have, I like Davidoff: Coolwater the most. And hate Diesel green.
You should include Armani Attitude in your wishlist. The smell is in between woody and Fougère. Sure you like it since you love eternity so much.
what the tut is Fougere actually... Yes I heard that Armani attitude is nice as well
hey..u guys da tgk citer perfume x???citer pasal a guy yg awetkan pompuan utk dptkan bau dier..interesting gak..
oh yes.. yang last last dia hancur kena ratah ngan beggars.. well thats how powerful perfume can be huh..
hi, just blog hopping and found this interesting entry :)
i love love love perfume too!
u should try diesel fuel for life. it's kind of nice also. the smell is interesting.
hi jez..
Thank you.. and welcome to my blog. Diesel Fuel for Life is kinda nice as well.. My friend owns one.
err..so u better jage2..jgn sampai diratah oleh beggars bcoz of ur smell..hahahaha..
put Hugo Boss - Pure in your wish list..the wish will come true this December..hehehe..tunggu ek..just dont buy yet - youKnow's who
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