This is my favourite animal, by far.. Its lovely, cutesy, rasa macam nak tonyoh2 je muka dia dengan span mandi.. Facts from 'nationalzoo.si.edu'
Pygmy marmosets are the world’s smallest true monkeys. (The smallest primate is the pygmy mouse lemur.) Pygmy marmosets are not sexually dimorphic. Adults are about five inches (13 cm) long with an eight-inch (20 cm) tail and weigh four to seven ounces (113 to 199 g). The fur is buff and gray with yellow and green striations, which give it a grizzled effect on the head and back and a vague banded effect on the tail. They have long hair on their heads and chests giving the appearance of a mane. Their coloration provides great camouflage for their lives in the trees.
They are active and agile creatures, running, jumping, and occasionally leaping among trees and shrubs. These little monkeys move quadrupedally through the trees in an upright position. Their forelimbs are shorter than their hind limbs and they often feed while clinging upright to a trunk or branch with their sharp claws. They have claws on all digits except the big toe, which has a flat nail.
I simply adores them!!!.. Here cutie cutie cutie..
are you sure about that?
didn't you bumped into something cuter recently?
are you sure about that?
didn't you bumped into something cuter recently?
:). I wished tho.. But Poor marmoset, its too small that ppl just disregard their existence.
I thought your fav creature is Koala? :)
tu ka ghupa marmooset??? cinonetnyer...kalau masuk dlm baju sure org tak perasan kan?
hahaha definitely.. that make them so special..
the homesickness entiries i get it, but the facts on this animal?? waaah the insomnia sure is baad eh, hehe.. chill, chill.. :P
Hahaha.. Well I had a dream on this animal once you know... :)
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