- Nokia N96 is too expensive (sama harga dgn Hyundai SOnata 2nd-hand kat sini)
- Sony-W910i has an amazing built and super smooth body - handsome-looking
- Sony-W910i is definitely for music lovers (like me.. Can't live without a tune in my head)
- Sony-W910i has the 'Shake Function' which you can shake it to move to the next song on your list
For the 4th reason tu (I was impressed the moment I tried it- at the store) tapi bila balik umah, I think its kinda silly and crazy sebab terpaksa shake-shake the hphone utk go to the next track while all you can do (if I can still recall the 'conventional' method, hehe) is to touch the 'Next' or '>>' button. Hmm but all the hype bout this phone has got me.. at hello.
Despite that, Sony-W910i is a catch.. I love it. and still admires the phone. For friends in Malaysia, if the price is reasonable, I'd say, go for it!!
There goes my first wishlist :)
I remember long long time ago, while we were housemate, you condemned my sony ericson... but now, you bought one.. :)
still loyal with sony ericson here.
Hmmmmm.. your opinion/ comment really time dependent. :)
selamat bertelefon sakan...hehehee. jangan lupa call org2 yang penting. ok!
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