Mancing Time!!!.. It was 7:30 pm on Friday. After a long day of school, Friday prayer, round of cuppa coffee at UNSW Coffee shop, I just simply didn't know what else to do. I was physically tired, but mentally still wide awake. Then Abg Rahim, Abg Mat came and asked me to go for a fishing trip at Bondi Beach (with Aji as well).
Unfortunately the waves and wind were terrible, then we had to move to other spot (aku pun tak ingat dah nama dia). We spent around 3 hours there. Aku ngan Aji borak2 je.. Otai mancing (ABg Mat and Abg Rahim) yang sibuk duk mancing. Suddenly the fish snapped Abg Mat's rod. Hahaha.. Tamatlah riwayat seekor Snapper.. We had fun, Aji lepas ni kita pi beli fishing rod sendiri JOM!!
Kesian Kak Zura (Abg Rahim's wife), that we dragged her to snap these pictures. Waktu tu dah dekat pukul 12 lebih.. hehe dia dah tido dah.. Thank you Kak Zura!!
Snapper are a family of perciform fish, mainly marine but with some members living in estuaries, and entering fresh water to feed. Some are important food fish. One of the best known is the red snapper.
Snapper are found in the tropical and subtropical regions of all the oceans. They can grow to about a meter in length. Most feed on crustaceans or other fish, though a few are plankton-feeders. They can be kept in aquaria, but mostly grow too fast to be popular aquarium fish. They live at depths of up to 450 m.
Let's go for another round of fishing soon!!
whoa..thats really2 big ones....puas hati kalo mancing dpt ikan sebosar tuh
mancing nyer idok..pose je lebey mengalahkan pemancing...hehehehhehe....
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