The event was held last Saturday. With the theme of Red and Glory.. Few pictures, sempat di tangkap.. Best la jugak .. Our team: TEAM 5, won a second place for overall team events. We should have won a First Place, tapi aku rasa organizer tuh tak nak kitorang menang kot.. kontroversi punya team.. hahaha
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Mypsa (Persatuan Pasca Siswazah NSW) Family Day!
The event was held last Saturday. With the theme of Red and Glory.. Few pictures, sempat di tangkap.. Best la jugak .. Our team: TEAM 5, won a second place for overall team events. We should have won a First Place, tapi aku rasa organizer tuh tak nak kitorang menang kot.. kontroversi punya team.. hahaha
Monday, April 21, 2008
Personality and Month of Birth..
* Berpesonaliti menarik dan menawan.
* Mudah didampingi.
* Sangat pemalu dan pemendam rasa.
* Sangat baik secara semulajadi, jujur pemurah dan mudah simpati.
* Sangat sensitif pada perkataan yang dituturkan dan alam persekitaran.
* Suka pada kedamaian.
* Sangat peka pada orang lain.
* Sesuai dengan kerjaya yang memberi khidmat kepada orang lain.
* Tidak cepat marah dan sangat amanah.
* Tahu membalas dan mengenang budi.
* Pemerhatian dan penilaian yang sangat tajam.
* Kecenderungan untuk berdendam jika tidak dikawal.
* Suka berangan-angan.
* Suka melancong.
* Sangat manja dan suka diberi perhatian yang sangat tinggi.
* Kelam kabut dalam memilih pasangan.
* Suka dengan hiasan rumahtangga.
* Punya bakat seni dalalm bidang muzik.
* Kecenderungan pada benda yang istimewa dan baik.
* Jangan terlalu mengikut selera atau perasaan
Thanks to:
Kisah Cinta Monyet... Kelantan Girl
Semasa aku di tingkatan 3, aku bersekolah di 'All-Boys' school, jadi cintan cintun ni tak de. Yang ada hanya games and sports. Jadi, selepas PMR, keputusan ok, melayakkan aku ke MRSM di timur tanah air. Adus, satu tempat yang cukup baru untuk aku yang berdarah jawa asli (totok - orang2 jawa cakap). Tiga bulan pertama di sana, aku tak dapat menyesuaikan diri. Dengan bahasa yang 'pelik pelik kang', dan dengan makanan yang manis.. 'macamana aku nak survive nih?'.. Ibu aku menjadi pendengar setia di corong telefon, dengan teriakan aku untuk bertukar sekolah. Tapi dengan sabar dia berkata 'sabar, tunggu dulu, mungkin nanti ada hikmahnya kau kat situ'...
Arghhh, masin mulut ibu.. Tak lama selepas perbualan itu, aku bertemu dengan cinta pertama aku. Orang kelantan, 'sapa bilang gadis melayu tak menawan'.. tak ku sangka, dia telah lama menaruh perasaan terhadap aku. Ye la, aku pun masa tu naive, seolah2 kalau orang tanya cinta tu apa, aku akan cakap cinta tu hanyalah ungkapan dan perkataan yang tiada maknanya. Lama juga kami berkawan, dia memberi aku semangat dan kata-kata perangsang (walaupun kata2 tu dalam bahasa kelate, aku faham, mungkin bahasa cinta - universal). Aku bahagia kerana aku berjaya menangani masalah aku kerana ada orang yang membantu.
Tapi percintaan kami tak sampai ketepian (sangkut di tengah jalan). Mengapa macam tu ya?. Permulaan yang baik menjadi goyah atas sebab orang ketiga. Kisah di malam hari ketika aku sedang berjalan pulang ke bilik, aku di tahan sekumpulan samseng. Tanpa memberi salam, menghampuk aku sampai terduduk aku di kaki lima, termangu.. 'Kenapa perkara ini terjadi atas diri aku', mencari jawapan.. akhirnya aku tau yang ramai insan lain yang menaruh perasaan terhadap Dia... termasuk samseng tuh. Terlalu banyak halangan yang datang melanda selepas kejadian itu, memaksa aku untuk berundur walaupun berat rasa hati aku.
Akhirnya aku mengalah dengan keadaan... aku tinggalkan dirinya.. Mungkin kau akan lebih bahagia dengan insan lain. Bercinta dengan aku hanya mengundang lebih banyak permasalahan dalam diri... Sedih, memang sedih, tapi terpaksa aku berbuat demikian kerana aku tak sanggup melihat dirinya terseksa dan berkorban untuk aku. Dia tak tahu mengapa aku tinggalkan dia ketika itu.. Dan dia tak perlu tau. Dan dia tidak tahu sampai sekarang.....
Setelah sekian lama cerita itu ditutup, tanpa aku sangka, aku mendapat utusan raja sehari daripadanya... Dia telah bertemu insan yang lebih baik dari aku.... Akhirnya....
Cinta Dalam Hati...
It is a known fact that Love is blind, and love knows no boundary. It can bloom just in a matter of second. The second you lay eyes on the person you'll know whether you can 'clik' with the person or not. Mungkin itu yang dia rasa .. for what reason? Only God knows.
Dulu aku sering tertanya, kenapa ada orang sanggup mencintai seseorang hanya kerana dia adalah dia. Bukan kerana lain, bukan kerana wang ringgit atau rupa dan bukan juga fizikal. Tapi dia telah berjaya merubah persepsi aku. Ya, kita boleh menyintai sesiapa saja, tanpa alasan tanpa sebab. Kadang-kadang kita tak tau pun apa yang kita lihat di dalam diri orang yang kita cinta, tapi cinta itu hadir.
Jadi aku tanyakan padanya, 'Apa yang aku ada menyebabkan kau mengungkapkan perkataan itu'... dia tidak menjawab. Sebaliknya dia tujukan lagu ini untuk aku.
ku ingin kau tahu diriku di sini menanti dirimu meski ku tunggu hingga ujung waktuku dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
dan ijinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab saja
Setelah dihayati lirik ini sedalamnya, baru aku tahu cintanya terhadapku tak berbelah bagi... Aduh, kuasa Tuhan yang mencipta kenikmatan dan keperitan cinta. Sehingga ada insan yang sanggup berkorban untuk insan lain, atas nama CINTA.
...... maafkan diriku, kerana aku telah berpunya ...... Terima kasih kerana menyayangiku.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Ungu - Cinta Dalam Hati (Untukmu sayang..)
mengagumi tanpa di cintai
tak mengapa bagiku asal kau pun bahagia
dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu
telah lama kupendam perasaan itu
menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku
tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah
bahagia untukku, bahagia untukku
ku ingin kau tahu diriku di sini menanti dirimu
meski ku tunggu hingga ujung waktuku
dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
dan ijinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja
tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya
dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab saja
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Well, I simply love Perfume. Its not an obsession, but who can resist the smell that melts your heart away. To be honest, the smell of one's perfume can have a long lasting impression on me (only if it smells nice). I own a whole lot of perfumes, oooh ahhh:
- Dior: Higher Energy
- Polo: Double Black
- CK: Eternity
- Tommy Hilfiger: Tommy 10
- Paco Rabbane: Purple
- Diesel: Plus Plus
- Hugo Boss
- Davidoff: Coolwater
- Diesel: Green Masculine
- Polo: Blue
- CK: Be
- Armani: Blue Jeans
- Body Shops
My Perfume WishList:
- Dunhill: Desire
- DKNY: Be Delicious
- CK: In2U
The story of perfume.....
The history of perfume began in antiquity. The word perfume used today to describe scented mixtures, derives from the Latin "per fume", meaning through smoke. Perfumery, or the art of making perfumes, began in ancient Egypt but was developed and further refined by the RomansArabs.
Perfume reached its peak in England during the reigns of Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. All public places were scented during Queen Elizabeth's rule, since she could not tolerate bad smells. It was said that the sharpness of her nose was equal led only to the slyness of her tongue.
“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel”
Monday, April 14, 2008
Movie Time....
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Seribu Kali Sayang...

Cintamu yang serapuh Dahan nan kering usang
Yang akhirnya kan patah Terhempa gemeretap
Oh sungguh memilukan Tak dapat ku bayangkan
Seribu kali sayang Sangkaku kan ke mati
Cerita kasih kita Rupanya seketika
Setelah merelakan Setelah kau bisikkan
Segugus janji-janji Tergamak kau mungkiri
Apakah sebenar yang terjadi Hingga kau bersikap demikian
Sedangkan kau Sesungguhnya percaya
Kasihku tak berbelah bagi
Aduhai Tak sanggup ku kenangkan
Semua telah nyata Cintamu gurauan
Datang dan hilang Semahu hatimu
Itulah falsafah Pegangan cintamu
Namun harus kau ingat Hati yang manakah
Selamanya kan sabar
Sydney Zoo.. Day Tripper 2nd Episode..

Guys, I have promised the 2nd Episode of my day tripper. Well, this weekend I went to Sydney Taronga Zoo. The journey started with me, Aji, A Rohim and Kak Zura on bus 301: Eastlakes to Circular Quay. THen Kak Zura and A Rohim made their way to work and left both of us: me and Aji to continue our adventure...
At Circular Quay, we bought a DayTripper Pass which inclusive of Taronga Zoo Entrance, ferry ride (return) and bus ride all day. It was a bit frustrating since the ferry has already left by the time we got the ticket. But the waiting was not that long, 15 minutes of waiting, the next ferry arrived.
To be continued
Friday, April 11, 2008
Rumah Aku.. Google Map.. Thank you!!

Ni le location umah aku kat sini: 3/13 Mascot Drive, Eastlakes, NSW 2018... Hehehe.. Google Earth via Thank you Barricade for your contribution.
Kereta yang kat depan rumah tuh, owned by a lebanese girl. Selalu la marah kitorang sebab tak serik2 isap rokok belakang keta dia.
Hehehe.. Sian dia..
I am feeling Blues..
I just Bought Sony Ericsson W910i. :)

- Nokia N96 is too expensive (sama harga dgn Hyundai SOnata 2nd-hand kat sini)
- Sony-W910i has an amazing built and super smooth body - handsome-looking
- Sony-W910i is definitely for music lovers (like me.. Can't live without a tune in my head)
- Sony-W910i has the 'Shake Function' which you can shake it to move to the next song on your list
For the 4th reason tu (I was impressed the moment I tried it- at the store) tapi bila balik umah, I think its kinda silly and crazy sebab terpaksa shake-shake the hphone utk go to the next track while all you can do (if I can still recall the 'conventional' method, hehe) is to touch the 'Next' or '>>' button. Hmm but all the hype bout this phone has got me.. at hello.
Despite that, Sony-W910i is a catch.. I love it. and still admires the phone. For friends in Malaysia, if the price is reasonable, I'd say, go for it!!
There goes my first wishlist :)
Qibla Locator.. Awesome contribution by Google

For the travelers or rather lonely travelers (like me) who had no one to ask for Qibla Direction, you guys can go to this website. Its awesome. You can tell the exact direction of Qibla from you house. Google map your place and there will be qibla direction at the tip of your finger.
Its indirectly a contribution made by Google.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Sydney Day Tripper - Part 3 !!!

Manly Beach... Nama dia agak cocky laa.. Manly hehe. We took a ferry from Circular Quay to Manly Beach. We were speechless to see the beach as nice as that. We love Manly Beach. Luckily (or rather unfortunately) hehehe.. that Manly Beach is a beach for family not so much like the other cousin Bondi and Maroubra Beach (byk topless and nudist)...
Aji was hungry all of the sudden. So he bought the Kebab.. which cost him around 30 RM.. hehe well (kalau convert RM mmg laa tak makannn!!) .
I was a bit full since I had Fish and Chips for lunch at the Quay Seafood. The portion was huge. Enough to feed a hungry 'elephant' (like me haha)..
Okie dokie.. We can't wait for the next adventure journey... To be continued.. Day Tripper Part 4
Sydney Day Tripper - Part 2 !!!

Day tripper 2:
After few hours of browsing around Circular Quay, we decided to take a walk around Botanical Garden (next to Opera House). We didn't know that First (Everrr) Flugtag Festival was ongoing. hehehe ... No wonder thousands of people were there. Apa kejadahnya FLugtag nih.. Aku pun tak pasti, till I came across this on Wikipedia:
Flugtag (German: flight day, airshow) is an event sponsored by Red Bull in which competitors attempt to fly in homemade flying machines. The flying machines are usually launched off a pier about 30 feet (9.1 m) high into the sea (or suitably sized reservoir of water). Most competitors enter for the entertainment value, and the flying machines rarely fly at all.
The event stems from the oldest Dutch amusement television show which was first aired in 1971. Subsequent events have included Birdman Rally like the Moomba festival in Australia, which has been running since 1976. The first Flugtag took place in Austria in 1991, and the activity has recently gained much popularity as a result of Red Bull sponsored events in many famous cities and elsewhere.
The first Red Bull Flugtag event in Australia took place in Sydney on Sunday, April 6, 2008. The second Red Bull Flugtag event in London will take place in Hyde Park, London on Sunday, June 7, 2008.It was funny and amusing to see people would spend thousands of dollar just to throw themselves and the 'nice' flight (that they have built) in the lake (stupid pun ada.. but people would do anything for entertainment).. We had fun!!
Sydney Day Tripper!!!

I am speechless.... !! :)..
It was last Saturday I Finally able to appreciate Sydney (just a lil bit), lil' by lil' they said. We took a Sydney Bus (302) that 'flew' us (Aji and me) from Eastlakes to the CBD (Sydney Central Business District). Around 30 minutes we arrived at the stop near Hyde Park (it seems like there is Hyde Park all around the world haa).
The first stop for these 2 newbies-in-town was Circular Quay (it pronounced - se-ke-le-ki dalam BM), where the 3 most important landmarks in Sydney located: Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge and International and Domestic Ferry Terminal (oops and off course the best Fish and Chips in town).
We were both in awe seeing the Opera House and Harbour Bridge right in front of our eyes. Ooh my babyy, they are so magnificent and beautiful (plus well maintained) - neh kalau kat msia nih dah lama berkarat dah neh...
So we took many pictures there (sambil aku tahan perut la off course, sebab dah buncit hehe).
Sydney Opera House:
The Sydney Opera House is located in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site on June 28, 2007. Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon and Ove Arup & Partners, the Sydney Opera House is one of the world's most distinctive 20th century buildings, and one of the most famous performing arts venues in the world. It is situated on Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, close to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The building and its surroundings are one of the best known icons of Australia. The Sydney Opera House is an expressionist modern design, with a series of large precast concrete 'shells', each taken from a hemisphere of the same radius, forming the roofs of the structure..
Sydney Harbour Bridge:
The Sydney Harbour Bridge is a steel arch bridge across Sydney Harbour that carries rail, vehicular, and pedestrian traffic between the Sydney central business district (CBD) and the North Shore. The dramatic view of the bridge, the harbour, and the nearby Sydney Opera House is an iconic image of both Sydney and Australia. The bridge is locally nicknamed The Coathanger because of its arch-based design, although this usage is less prevalent than it once was.
The bridge was the city's tallest structure until 1967. According to Guinness World Records, it is the world's widest long-span bridge and its tallest steel arch bridge, measuring 134 metres (429.6 ft) from top to water level. It is also the fourth-longest spanning-arch bridge in the world.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Mancing Time..

Mancing Time!!!.. It was 7:30 pm on Friday. After a long day of school, Friday prayer, round of cuppa coffee at UNSW Coffee shop, I just simply didn't know what else to do. I was physically tired, but mentally still wide awake. Then Abg Rahim, Abg Mat came and asked me to go for a fishing trip at Bondi Beach (with Aji as well).
Unfortunately the waves and wind were terrible, then we had to move to other spot (aku pun tak ingat dah nama dia). We spent around 3 hours there. Aku ngan Aji borak2 je.. Otai mancing (ABg Mat and Abg Rahim) yang sibuk duk mancing. Suddenly the fish snapped Abg Mat's rod. Hahaha.. Tamatlah riwayat seekor Snapper.. We had fun, Aji lepas ni kita pi beli fishing rod sendiri JOM!!
Kesian Kak Zura (Abg Rahim's wife), that we dragged her to snap these pictures. Waktu tu dah dekat pukul 12 lebih.. hehe dia dah tido dah.. Thank you Kak Zura!!
Snapper are a family of perciform fish, mainly marine but with some members living in estuaries, and entering fresh water to feed. Some are important food fish. One of the best known is the red snapper.
Snapper are found in the tropical and subtropical regions of all the oceans. They can grow to about a meter in length. Most feed on crustaceans or other fish, though a few are plankton-feeders. They can be kept in aquaria, but mostly grow too fast to be popular aquarium fish. They live at depths of up to 450 m.
Let's go for another round of fishing soon!!Thursday, April 03, 2008
Deko Bersama Eric.. My Sister's Dream..

Remembered the night before the interview, she actually (physically) dragged me to burn some midnight candles to get her to prepare for the interview. My sis, my bro-in-law, Lutfi and myself were actually acted as if its the real interview. Of course, being 'botak', I was forced to be the Eric and my in-law as a poster-post. Hehe. It was funny that we actually created thousands of story lines (that would actually win Eric's heart, *we thought.. ), few of them:
- On how her husband is actually dying of a heart cancer and she would like Eric to redesign the room so that her husband will cure of the disease (tapi in-law aku tu sihat walafiat jeee)
- On how she's dying to impress her brother (me, off course, daa), whom is picky, and always throw away her ideas of how a 'nice interior' would look like (tapi aku kemas katil pun malas... interior design? hmm jauh panggang)
- On how she would like to win her husband's heart. Because she never knew how to tidy off the house and he ran away from the house for a month just because tak tahan rumah bersepah (tapi aku rasa kakak aku tu, pandai kemas rumah and habuk pun tak de kat rumah dia)
and the list went on and on and on...
And ended up, we bunked together at the living room WITHOUT one solid idea on what to present at the audition ..................... and off course, she didn't manage to pass the second round. Pity my sister... You go Girl.. Kalau aku ada duit lebih, aku panggil Eric design rumah kau ok.. and surprisingly, Eric looked much older real life.. Amazing, how the technology has shed off few years off Eric's face on camera!!
What the Future Holds...

What the future holds for me.. I am here sacrificing my time, work, loved ones, family, and everything just for the sake of a piece of paper called a PhD. Is it gonna worth it? Am I destined to all these things.. Hmmm
Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the ocean desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny.
I was just about to pop up my brain to go through a series of journals. Hmm, I guess I better join my housemate for a good round of karaoke. Yes, forget about my future for the time being and enjoy what is out there for me. Haha..
' Di suatu senja di musim yang lalu, Ketika itu hujan rintik,Terpukau aku menatap wajahmu, Di remang cahaya sinar pelangi, Lalu engkau tersenyum, Ku menyesali diri, Tak tahu apakah erti senyummu, Dengan mengusap titik airmata, Engkau bisikkan deritamu, Tersentuh hati dalam keharuan, Setelah tahu apa yang terjadi, Sekian lamanya engkau, Hidup seorang diri, Ku ingin membalut luka hatimu'
Marmoset.. The Lovely Creatchaaa (ala2 Steve Irwin ckp)

This is my favourite animal, by far.. Its lovely, cutesy, rasa macam nak tonyoh2 je muka dia dengan span mandi.. Facts from ''
Pygmy marmosets are the world’s smallest true monkeys. (The smallest primate is the pygmy mouse lemur.) Pygmy marmosets are not sexually dimorphic. Adults are about five inches (13 cm) long with an eight-inch (20 cm) tail and weigh four to seven ounces (113 to 199 g). The fur is buff and gray with yellow and green striations, which give it a grizzled effect on the head and back and a vague banded effect on the tail. They have long hair on their heads and chests giving the appearance of a mane. Their coloration provides great camouflage for their lives in the trees.
They are active and agile creatures, running, jumping, and occasionally leaping among trees and shrubs. These little monkeys move quadrupedally through the trees in an upright position. Their forelimbs are shorter than their hind limbs and they often feed while clinging upright to a trunk or branch with their sharp claws. They have claws on all digits except the big toe, which has a flat nail.
I simply adores them!!!.. Here cutie cutie cutie..Good Morning Sydney.. I am Homesick..

It's morning here in Sydney: 8:30 am. But my mind could not think of anything else other than my family. Argh, this is what they called Homesick kot. But I know this will be over soon when I get busy with my proposal, literature reviews and all those never ending phd process, futhermore phD is 'Patiently Hoping (for a) Degree'.
I am browsing for a flight ticket (Jetstar) flight Sydney to KLIA. I am going back in August or September. So guys, if you gotta good offer of 'Sydney to KLIA' flight, buzz me. God knows how much I want to be back (even for a short while), meeting my family, my friends....
This picture was taken while waiting for my mom (beli aiskrim) at the front gate of Taiping Zoo. In her quest of shutting off my nieces and nephews mouth from being too loud and noisy. Might scare off the cutesy Marmosets tho..
From left: My brother (Adik, who looks like Rich Estranged - 'Itu Kamu'), my father (Khalid), my abang ipar (Ami), nieces (Nuyeen, Nurul), nephew (Ipan), my sister (Linda), and ME. Hehe.
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
Youll always be you always will be the girl
In my life for all times'
Durian Ooo Durian..

"Will you eat a fruit that tastes like heaven, but smells so disgusting? For those that are not familiar with this fruit, will think the smell is like over ripe cheese, unwashed stinky socks, or uncollected garbage on a hot day. The odour is overpowering it fills your house in a matter of second. So strong so it is required to be stored in a sealed container during the shipment overseas."
Cowboy, Yee haaa!

Sometimes it's cool to wear a cowboy hat.. hehehe .. This picture was taken when we went to Houston Texas, yeeee haaaa.. Nahh, it was in Cameron Highlands. That was the cheap 'made in China' cowboy hat. I wonder, what are the stuff that China do not make? Even, Ikea Sweden stuff are all made in China hahaha, Nokia Finland 'Made in China'...
No: "Sometimes cowboys don't button their shirts."
Me: "Really?"
No: "Yep. A lot of the time, actually."
Me: "Interesting. Where did you hear that?"
No: "The internet."
:).. Who cares though. I sometimes un-buttoned by shirts...
Ding Dong.. Insomnia?
Argh, It's 1:29 am. And I could not sleep again... Macam mana ni?
I had one insomnia on a night in January 2003 at my mother's house. I was uncomfortable in my bed, hot, and had drank black tea earlier that evening. Well, of course I didn't sleep well but really that was the first time I couldn't sleep when i wanted to. It really upset me!! I was lonely that night while everyone slept great and that night sent me down a nasty road that lasted for days!!! insomnia had entered my life (temporarily). I agree with the psychological aspect of insomnia. I had always slept great (except one time when I was little, but that didn't last long, i was anxious about school). Insomnia had "sucker punched me" and I was unprepared. I was trying to sleep but couldn't. I was in misery. I know that I was just only exaggerating this insomnia thingy. But I know that this thing will probably end up destroying my day tomorrow.
I wish I have someone to hug at this moment. Since I know, a simple hug would cure my insomnia...