Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Interesting Facts... Indeed

Test yourself: Can you describe each words (above) by its colour (without a single pause)

Out of nowhere, I suddenly bumped on this interesting web article on 'Interesting Facts':

  1. No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
  2. Earthworms have five hearts
  3. Fingerprints of koalas are similar (in pattern, shape and size) to the fingerprints of humans
  4. If a native Hawaiian woman places the flower on her right ear, she is available. (The bigger the flower, the more desperate)
  5. For every 10 successful attempts to climb Mount Everest there is one fatality.
  6. Iceland has the highest concentration of broadband users in the world.
  7. Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
  8. Just about 3 people are born every second, and about 1.3333 people die every second. The result is about a 2 and 2/3 net increase of people every second. Almost 10 people more live on this Earth now, than before you finished reading this.
  9. The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is "feedback."
  10. Sir Isaac Newton, who invented Calculus, had trouble with names to the point where he would forget his brothers' names.
  11. Coca-Cola was originally green.
  12. The smallest island with country status is Pitcairn in Polynesia, at just 1.75 sq. miles/4,53 sq. km.
  13. Between 25% to 33% of the population sneeze when they are exposed to light.
  14. Your thumb is the same length as your nose.
Now, start measuring your nose with your thumb...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! did u measure your thumb and your nose? hehehe..funny.. memang sama size - Nose