Its a beautiful Monday Morning. I was late to bed last nite. It wasn't a long night, but we (me, abg rahim, aji and kak zura) had such a good time karaoke-ing the whole nite, only to discover that we already missed half of Eurovision Song Contest 2008 on SBS..
Karaoke First - We sang few (hmm many..) songs on our list of songs, Lagenda Rock Klasik (hehe don't laugh), Jamal Abdillah, Kembara M Nasir, Spring. Kak Zura with her beautiful rendition of Sharifah Aini (she could be SA, only if she adds tiga dagu under her chin), and Abg Rahim with his Stings songs.. They said I have a good tone of voice (acheeehhhhh!!), however the control of high notes are still under average aahaha.. Well I ain't born to be a singer, but I guess I can be a good singer with a proper guidance and mentoring.
Then we switched off the karaoke set and on the TV (SBS), the Eurovision Song COntest 2008 was up (and its already half way, arghh). Lucky for us, we still managed to watch few countries performed (and they were awesome): Greece, Serbia, Turkey, Russia.. And it ain't a surprise that RUssia bagged the top honor. But I still loved the Serbia's performance and Greece's, I guess either should win the contest. Hmmm when it comes to phone-voting competition, many factors can affect the result, most of all political and historical factors (in this case)...
Here is the Winner... Russia.. The performance was tip top but not the song and the singer..
But salute to Russia and Greece (Top and Runner Up) and my personal choice still Serbia's... They are awesome!!
1 comment:
teringin nak karok dgn lu la bro!!! nanti hujung thaun ni kita plan ek? - hidung
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