
We need a break once in a while. Break from anti-communism, break from rebellious acts, break from suicidal missions :), break from mind-boggling jobs and assignments (those are never-ending).. Break is good. Still remember, when I was in primary school, having a break or recess was never on my list of things to look forward to everyday, not because I was a nerd and craved for knowledge, but simply because the canteen did not sell halal foods (or they did, but I rather doubt it). So, whenever bell rings for recess, I was not as happy as other kids.. but I didn't mind back then... But when we get older, we seriously need a break every now and then.
Talking about 'break', we are going to Tasmania this weekend (Saturday to Tuesday). We (Abg Mat, Kak Nani, A Rahim, Kak Zura, Aji, Auntie Mi, Azura and myself) will be heading to the airport (Sydney Airport) early in the morning tomorrow (7 am?) since the flight (Jetstar) will depart at 9 am.
We will spend 4 days there. What to do? There are many things on the list which include fishing, horseback riding, sauna, spa, barBQ, movies, etc.. Sempat ke nak buat semua tu oiii..
Argh, can't wait for tomorrow to come.... Reminder to myself: To bring along journals to Tasmania (in case).. hehehe
Remember Tasmanian Devil? (ala binatang yang makan semua benda tuh - dlam kartun). Hmm I wish to see one when we are there..