Remember, my old post? 'Places to Visit Before I Die'... It was posted on June 07, 2008. Let me just 'copy-and-paste' (what engineers normally do when they write a report.. Hehe)...
'Everybody has their own dream places to visit. As part of my hobby, I have travelled to many places. But there are few places that I wish to visit (or revisit) before I die (nak join travel ke next time.. ring me, we set a plan): 1 - Mekah - (obviously, the most holy place on earth) 2 - Bali - (been here 2 years ago, the place has just got its charm and beauty) 3 - Prague - (been dreaming to visit Prague ever since I watched The Mission Impossible, truly beautiful and impressive architectures) 4 - Tokyo - (I wanna be lost in translation..:)) 5 - New Zealand - (the land of LOTR, simply breathtaking views and nature) 6 - Petra, Jordan - (for its majestic The Ancient CIty of Petra) 7 - Venice - (its just so ramantic, to ride on a gondola, or be in the Carnivale) 8 - Dubai - (everything is gigantic and over-the-top, I heard..) 9 - Hong Kong - (I just dont know why, but I wanna go there) 10- Alaska - (its good to be on an extreme-weathered country (to be able to appreciate what we have in Malaysia - kalau tak asyik bising je 'panaaaas, panaaaaaaas'))'
Now I am proud to say, that I have been to Dubai!!.. Indeed I am writing this blog in one of Dubai most lavish hotel 'Radisson SAS' --- Zassss.. You know what, the rate for one night.. I repeat, one night, is AED2247.. Gile tak?
Dubai is indeed as what I described (I was not totally wrong afterall..). We (me and my travel buddy, Younose..) agreed upon one thing: Dubai is actually the larger-than-life version of SIngapore.. Its all about big and modern buildings and shoppings.. Tah berapa byk shopping malls tah kat sini... Pergi satu mall dah semput..
So we managed to get our feet to some of the most interesting places in Dubai:
- Mall of Emirates - dalam ni ada ski, big labels boutiques, huge and huge mall.. dua kali besar dari OU
- Diera City Centre
- Dubai Mall - The largest mall in the world!! dalam tu ada aquarium besor, giant sharks pun adaaaaa, haaaa... tapi to our disappointment, it lacks the charm..
- Souqs - Souqs tu macam pasor laa.. tapi modern version aaa.. Gold souq, old souq, textile souq...
- Al Ain - Hot Air Balloon.. Alaa yg naik belon besor yang boleh terbang tuh.. best jugak laa, sampai nak terbakar kepala dek kepanasan gas tuh
- Desert Safari - bestttt mmg besssttt...
- Atlantis - one of a few 7 star hotel in the world.. utk opening ceremony je, management of the hotel spent more than USD50 Million.. Ishhhhh boleh kahwinkan 50 artis macam siti..
- Burj Al Arabi - the most expensive hotel in the world. Nak masuk lobi pun kena bayar USD200.. Gila tak.. belum duduk kat kerusi dia.. atau berak kat jamban dia..
- JUmeira.
Ishhh byk sgt la yg kitorang pergi.. tak larat nak menaip dah.. Nak tido dulu aaa.. JUmpa lain kali ok !!
Welcome back Padil to world